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August 9 and 19: Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Secondary School DSTEM Workshop


Updated: Nov 10, 2023

Last August 9 and 19, the students of Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Secondary school participated in a two-day workshop on design-led STEM education. Students were introduced to basic concepts of Artificial intelligence, as well as innovative Polymeric Optical Fiber-based (POF-based) textiles, in order to ideate and create products that solve real world challenges.

On the first day, Professor Jeanne Tan, lead of the D-STEM project and associate professor at the Institute of Textiles and Clothing and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, welcomed the students into the fabrication facilities of PolyU. This introduction was followed by 3 mini workshops wherein students were able to get hands-on experience in using sewing machines, working with polymeric optical fiber textiles and using weaving looms. Students also began their initial ideations of ideas, which included a phone case which can visualize which components are broken via POF illumination, a bag which illuminates its interior via voice control to allow users to find their items and a shirt which changes color in accordance to the wearer's emotions for better communication.

On the second day, students began prototyping their ideas using the hand craft techniques learned in the workshop previously. Over the course of a hour, they explored how to use POF in their products, as well as the practical considerations that go behind designing usable products. The day ended with a presentation to the Royal College of Art's design professional, Laura Salisbury, who commented on the great work students did in the short period of time.

We look forward to the final stages of the D-STEM workshop and can't wait to see the student's work in the final exhibition!


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